Thursday, September 20, 2012

Winding It Down - The End Is Near

You may have noticed my posts are becoming more infrequent. There are two reasons for this. First, I am revisiting cities, so there's not much new to share. I returned to Rome to meet up with some friends from San Diego, and I'm now in Spain (again) to meet up with my brother Tony from Miami. Second, my European travel days are numbered. I will be returning to the States (NYC & Chicago) on October 1st.

So, the posts will trickle in for the next week or so. This means you will have to find something else to do with your time. For all you idle rich, it means returning to your daytime TV programming, i.e., The Women's Channel Movie Station (you know who you are). For all you 47%, it means getting out of your nursing home and Veteran's Hospital amputee ward and finding a job so you can pay some income tax, for cryin' out loud. For all of you who have jobs and read this blog on your employer's computer, get back to work! I recently met a Chinese woman at the airport who teased me that Americans don't work hard like they do in China. No worries. I got back at her by asking her to carry my suitcase, Miss Smarty Qipao, err, Pants.

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